Month: March 2021

  • The Hot Trend in Skull Jewelry

    Each season brings a new trend or fashionable element in jewelry, from gold of different colors to massive bracelets and rows and rows of pearls. One hot trend that seems to have gone through many, many seasons and is getting hotter and hotter is the tendency to find skulls in jewelry. Whether you find them…

  • Rustic Home Decor With Southwestern Rugs

    If you love The Southwest Interiors, there are some things you can’t live without. Among them are south-western carpets, which are mostly woven by hand. The mats of the sapotecs, in particular, are made by the Sapotecs Indians. They come in a variety of unique designs that are perfect for a bedroom, a house, a…

  • Indiana Jones and the Skull of Crystal

    Some people say I’m “Illinois” Shapiro because I was born in Chicago and ended up traveling the world discovering various mysteries. So maybe I know something about what an Indiana Jones man might face – but in my real journey to unravel what crystal skulls are – or, more precisely, skulls made of quartz crystals…

  • How Can the Crystal Skulls Save the World?

    Many people discovered Crystal Skulls (pieces of quartz crystal carved or made in the likeness of a human bone skull) when the last Indiana Jones film was first shown in May 2008. Unfortunately, as real crystal skull seekers and spiritually open people use crystal skulls experienced it’s not exactly what was shown on the screen.…

  • Crystal Skull Legend

    There are at least thirteen crystal skulls, all of which have been found in Mexico, Central America and South America. All these skulls are beautiful and are believed to have mystical power. They are all believed to be of ancient origin between the ages of 5,000 and 36,000 years old. These skulls, all of which…