Penetration Testing Reduces Financial Losses Due To Security Breaches

They should also look for the social engineering aspect, such as attempts to impersonate company employees, vendors, and other stakeholders to obtain passwords or other important data and hack into cryptocurrency networks. Running a business with online hardware and infrastructure can be quite stressful, and understandably so. The Internet is constantly under threat of cyberattacks, forcing businesses to fortify their networks. Preventative penetration testing, however, can help ensure that your business doesn’t face an actual attack in the future. CCB Technology works with several Certified Ethical Hacker-certified companies to perform penetration testing for our clients.

At each level, a threat actor can exploit vulnerabilities to gain deeper access. By mapping the various techniques and tools used by hackers, your security team has a better view of the entire attack lifecycle. However, a penetration test goes one step further than a vulnerability assessment and implements the vulnerabilities found. It is designed to identify ways in which identified vulnerabilities can be exploited “to test real-world attack vectors against an organization’s IT assets, data, people and/or physical security.”

This way, you can be sure how secure your company’s server is, even if you use multiple protection systems. In general, only penetration testing can provide a realistic assessment of your company’s “health” and its resilience to cyberattacks. A penetration test can reveal the success or failure of a malicious attack on your organization’s IT infrastructure. It can also help you prioritize your security investments, comply with industry regulations and develop effective defenses to protect your business from intruders over the long term.

The first factor that affects how often a company should conduct a penetration test is its size. Smaller companies require less penetration testing than larger ones because new features are not changed or installed as frequently. As businesses change and adopt new technologies, criminals exploit new vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive information or internal networks. Penetration testing allows companies to assess the overall security of their IT infrastructure. A company may have solid security protocols in one area while being deficient in another. The high cost of a successful cyberattack means that no company should wait until a real scenario occurs before going on the offensive.

Another factor is the loss of morale due to the breach or incident, which in most cases must be publicly reported and addressed.

Some tools are well-known, such as firewalls and antivirus software, but others, such as penetration testing, are not. However, what is known as penetration testing is one of the best ways to determine a system’s cybersecurity risk. In a penetration test, the person conducting the penetration test begins by scanning the environment to better understand which devices can be accessed immediately and to learn more about the processes and protocols used. Gradually, the penetration tester will begin reviewing scan reports to identify vulnerabilities as they test the services in use.

It had locked more than 2 lakh computers worldwide and demanded payments in the form of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. With the increasing number of cyber attacks, it is inevitable to avoid a penetration test attack like the WannaCry ransomware attack that affected many computers IRP in May 2017. With the increase of massive and dangerous attacks, it becomes inevitable to perform penetration testing. As the number of websites and web applications are increasing, their low security measures make them an easy target for hackers to attack larger networks.