“Buy and buy” from the point of view of a layman, “buy” in marketing language means to give money for what we get. In short, it’s a trade. At that time, barter was a system of exchange of goods for goods, where money and calculations did not play a role: for example, a kilogram of rice was exchanged for a kilogram of wheat and so on. Those days are over. Now all the money. People began to think big, earning more and more. The situation is that they buy something just because they have achieved this status, and sometimes simply because their neighbors have this status. I feel that owning something is valued more than the value of money. In books, the market is defined as “a place where buyers and sellers meet and exchange their products and services.” Today it has become a platform for making money. People have become so obsessed with shopping and discovering products. It’s up to people to decide how they see it. Some buy just because they want to own it, some go shopping as a hobby, relax, and some create a situation where they can shop, etc. it’s endless.
The craze for shopping depends on a person’s thinking and buying habits. Product quality, customer satisfaction and seller attitude play a very important role in attracting customers to their store. Usually discounts; Good shopping environment, customer relationship management, extras, etc. here are some of the strategies/actions they implement to retain customers. Well, the availability of goods, services, a variety of branded goods, the range of goods, the atmosphere of the store, etc. are considered very important.
We all shop almost every day. We find a reason to buy. Pens, pencils, groceries and so on. The list is endless. I’ve seen people make a list of what they’re buying, but when they go to the store, they get carried away by attractive storefronts, advertising, and sometimes even packaging, and they buy things that aren’t on their list. Eventually they come home and say, “Oh my God, I got them. I forgot what I wanted. It’s my fault” and so on. In the language of marketing, it is an impulsive purchase.

Shopping is always fun. Some plan to go shopping. It happens to others. There is a term “showcase.” It would be great to define. This is still the cheapest way to get satisfaction. This is the only store where people do it with pleasure and joy, because the money does not go out of pocket. Shopping in storefronts becomes even more exciting if the mall has air conditioning, good aroma and bright atmosphere of shopping. Sensational. I’m sure everyone experienced it.
Festivals always start with shopping. It is the only culture that is followed in the world. What do we buy during festivals? Sweets, chocolate, gifts, clothing, stationery, fruits, flowers, clothes, junk food, etc. “Hey, come see what we find there, will this store suit us? Where do we find designer clothes?” here are some of the questions we may notice. Specialty stores earn well during this period. When I think of specialty stores, the word “brand loyalty” comes to mind. This is when a person uses only a certain brand. They don’t trade with other brands. “Somehow I want it” – there will be their attitude. In this case, men need to keep a lot of marks, and women – not.
I really love shopping. I’ll buy all the good things worth paying for. I’m usually asked, “Why did you choose retail as an option in your marketing” and here’s my answer: “I love shopping, and in addition, there will be retail soon.” There is always a question that comes to mind. Why do people buy? The real answer is because of the appearance (packaging) and the hefty price. Packaging plays a very important role in the sale of the product. The best example is FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods). Shampoos, cookies, chocolate, toothpaste, cosmetics and more fall into this category. I feel that packaging affects impulsive buying.
I think if I focus on the kids, any business will be successful. Children are influential in most families. From cookies to clothes, parents give them a choice. At the time, the attitude to buying a child was “I bought you this.”
I have the impression that the seller can create “n” steps in his store. Promotion, advertising, branding and location are important for the outside world, but the store matters how the buyer is treated. There should not be too many sellers in the store. If there are too many crowds, it helps. If there are limited customers, it annoys customers. Usually there is an overload, such as repeating requests, delay in the presentation of products, lack of attention to the buyer. I saw people decide to go back to the same store or not to the counter itself. When they like it, they say, “This is the store I was looking for, with great service, great shopping, etc.” This reminds me of the saying: “A satisfied buyer can attract a lot of customers.” This is a “prayer strategy.”
I want to share what I liked as a buyer when buying at points. I think that’s the best way to express it. Many identify the store themselves. I’ll name them as a whole.
Advertising on the subject. If the pink color of the day, everything in this store would be decorated in the same color.
Customer relations. They usually send birthdays and weddings.
Let us know by phone, text or email about the new collection, discounts, etc.
Attractive storefronts, especially in jewelry stores, to attract attention.
Lighting and presentation of products in the category to which they belong.
Buyers like their choice, or customers think it suits them.
Allow customers to choose their needs.
Entertainment in the store, for example, dress up someone in a cartoon character to entertain children so their parents can shop without problems.
Some stores allow shoppers to choose the song of their choice by installing a jukebox.
When I think about why I like a particular shopping complex or why I like to shop, a lot of things come to mind. As mentioned earlier, this is a never-ending topic.
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