Tips for Boiling Skulls

If you killed an animal, but you don’t have the money to take it to a taxidermist, think about just showing him the skull. However, to do this, it must first be boiled. This will help prevent it from becoming infected over time.

You can carry the skull of the taxidermist and prepare it for you. However, this house does not need expensive equipment. Just take a large metal pot big enough to fit a skull. I hope he’ll have plenty of room to fully immerse himself in the water.

When you cook a skull in the house, it quickly fills with the smell of the brain. So it’s usually best to do it outdoors. You can use a propane water heater under the pan to bring the water to a boil. Another option is to use fire.

First of all, you need to boil the skull in clean water. If desired, you can add a small amount of conventional bleach to the water. You may have to sterilize your skull, and adding bleach to the water will trigger this process. However, it is important to note that too much bleach should not be added to the water. Once it boils, too much bleach will damage the most delicate bones around the nose and eyes.

Cooking helps to weaken the meat left on the skull. You need to cook the skull a little and then tear the meat off before lowering it back into the water. If you want the meat to come off more easily, you can add a borax to the water. This process can take several hours to complete. Be careful, as the remaining meat will eventually smell.

Sometimes you have to weld a skull with attached horns. It is best not to let the horns get into the water. If they get into the water, they’re likely to discolour. Excessive smoke can also cause forest discoloration. You can prevent damage from the smoke by wrapping the horns with foil while the skull is cooked.

If you make a mount on the skull, you want it to be as white as possible. That is why it should be blanched after removing all meat when cooking. You can fill the container with bleach and soak the skull. It will also help to remove any traces of oil from the skull.

It’s not the only way to whiten your skull after cooking. You can just let it dry in the sun for a few weeks. When it dries well, you can paint it with acrylic paint in the right color. This paint is very easy to find in any DIY store.

The Home Gym: Effective Muscle Building Workouts at Home

When I started training with weights, I didn’t have access to a real gym. Since I lived in a small town, there was only one place where I could do strength training, and it cost more than I could afford at the time. He had minimal equipment to work with, but as it was the only place where locals could train, he could afford to charge a hefty membership fee. Every magazine I read gave the impression that you SHOULD belong to a decent gym and have good training equipment if you want to build muscle and get in shape. The only tools I had at my disposal were an inexpensive bench, a barbell, a barbell and about 100 pounds of dumbbells. I was tempted to give up the very idea of strength training and the ability to build up a significant amount of muscle mass.

Fortunately, after more research, I found that people successfully trained at home with minimal equipment. I read an article about Dorian Yates and how he trained in his very small gym in England. Although he seemed to have a little more equipment than me, he didn’t have much fancy equipment or advanced training equipment. I realized that I had enough equipment to start with basic exercises, and over time I would be able to add more equipment as needed and money.

I started my training to make the most of what little I had. I had enough weight to perform all the basic skills: bench press, barbell press, shoulder press, narrow grip, bending of the head, barbells and barbells, as well as a few other exercises on the upper body. I quickly discovered that having legs would be a little more difficult. I tried to lift the dumbbell over my head, put it on my shoulders, and then crouch. But I quickly came to the conclusion that this is not a reasonable method of improvisation and can easily lead to injury. Excluding squats from leg training for many hardcore weights will be considered blasphemy, but if you don’t have the equipment, you’ll need to find alternatives. I found a good alternative in case of breakdown.

Since I started training at home, I’ve added more equipment to the garage workouts. I bought the E.E. barbell for less than $20, extra weights and the best barbell for less than $25 on a garage sale and a home gym for $100. It’s not the best, but it has an adjustable bench, an upper cable holder, a leg extension cord and a preacher’s noose. It’s inexpensive but effective for getting the most out of my workout in the garage.

Now that I’ve shared my experience of creating an effective home gym, I’ll give you some tips on how to do the same. Also, I’ll show you what you can do in your home gym to build muscle and get in shape like people with an expensive gym membership. There is nothing wrong with attending the gym and if you have access to it, you can choose this option. However, some of us appreciate the convenience of having our own small place at home for training.

So, where will you go to create your own home gym? A garage, an additional bedroom, a back porch or a small corner of any room in the house will be well suited. The amount of equipment you have is limited by space and financial constraints, but surprisingly, you don’t need a lot of equipment to get started. However, you’ll need a few basic things. These are adjustable dumbbells, rods, weight plates sufficient for your strength level, and a simple bench. These are inexpensive products that, even if they are bought new, are relatively inexpensive. Often they can be found for less money at yard sales, in nearby stores, etc.

Over time, you may want to add new equipment to your home gym. Below is a list of items you can add, as well as the average prices at which they are usually sold.

  • Home gym: in recent years they have become more accessible. For less than $150 you can get a bench with varying degrees of tilt/tilt, rope pulleys and various accessories, leg-bending accessories, a preaching loop accessory and more.

E-Bar, they can be found in many stores for less than $30. With the help of E-Bar, you can add new exercises and improve the ones you’re already doing. For example, triceps bending on your back works much better with an E-z bar than with a standard barbell. Hand flexion with dumbbells can also be alternated with bends with the E-q bar to affect the biceps at a different angle.

  • Rope screed, if you have a home gym with a pulley for cable, a rope screed will be a great addition. The triceps are better performed with a rope rather than a side bar, which is usually a standard problem in a normal home gym.

Weight plates, there will come a time when the weight that you currently have will not be enough to stimulate your muscles. At this stage, it is recommended to purchase additional boards. Many stores sell them at relatively low prices. Another way to get them even cheaper is to check out local sales in the garage. People regularly sell dumbbell kits, so you can potentially gain a lot of weight for very little money.

  • Pulling the crossbars, they are very inexpensive, they can be found in the sports goods section of many department stores. You need a door where you don’t mind drilling holes. The garage door or closet in the room you rarely use is a great place to get the crossbar out of sight.

You might want to add something to your home gym. Keep an eye on the latest and best gadgets you see in commercials or on displays in stores. It’s not just gold that shines, and people who buy these crappy gadgets often learn from their own bitter experience. Almost all the bellies you see on TV after three o’clock in the morning are complete nonsense. However, there are exceptions. Press and inflatable balls are inexpensive and effective devices that can improve your exercise on the press. Evaluate any device you plan to add, check opinions and reviews about the product and ask yourself if you really need it.

Attention Tension and Sinus Headache Sufferers! How to Treat Your Headaches at Home

This article is a continuation of the article “I have a headache, which looks like a tight bandage on my head, what do I do.” I noticed that a few days after I published the original article, many people watched it; I decided that I would better provide a little more information about some of the things you can do at home to find temporary relief. If you haven’t seen the first article, I suggest you read it; It will help you find a more permanent solution to your headaches. Let me briefly discuss:

The most common type of headache is a tension headache in which the patient feels a tight bandage around the head, as if the head is stuck in the grip. Pain and stiffness are usually most powerful at the base of the skull and usually begin in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Headache can only last one (1) day, but can last up to a week or more. Tension headaches are usually exacerbated by stressful situations and can be caused by prolonged sitting in positions with poor support, such as driving a car or sitting on a chair with poor support.

Headaches in the sinuses can be very similar, but are usually accompanied by a feeling of “fullness” and pressure on the forehead, behind the eyes and on the cheeks.

I’m going to share with you a few things you can do at home to temporarily relieve these types of headaches. Let me say this again, TIME relief. This article is not intended to replace a qualified medical diagnosis accompanied by qualified medical advice. I recommend that you see a qualified practitioner in your area, especially if your headache is not going away as this may be a sign of a more serious type of headache.

From a stress headache you can do two simple and effective things. One you can make yourself; the other requires a willing partner. When you are alone, roll a small towel into a very tight roll the size of a medium jar. Lie on your back, on the bed or on the floor and place a towel under your neck where it meets your head. Your head should not touch the surface on which you lie.

If you have a willing partner, the following method is very good.

PARTNER: Stretch your hands in front of your palms up and together your little finger. Now make the bowl with your hands as if trying to hold the water. That’s the position of your hand.

HEALTH: Lie on your back on the bed or on the floor (more effectively on the floor, but more comfortable for your assistant when he lies on the bed).

PARTNER: You are going to place your fingers right under the person’s neck, where he meets the base of the skull (keep your hands in the position we’re talking about). Cutting your nails is a good idea, otherwise it may be more inconvenient than useful.

GOOD: Your partner’s fingers should be right under the bones at the base of your skull. To feel where they should be, swipe your fingers over the back of the head until they fall off the hard bone and meet soft muscles. This is exactly where your partner’s fingers should be.

PARTNER: Lift your man’s head and neck with your fingers (you will not be easy and comfortable, sorry). Stay in place and do not jump, and shake your head on your fingers. At first, their heads do not rest in your palm (if you do everything right). The goal is to hold this position long enough for the baby’s head to gradually relax and rest on your palms. You may have to hold this position for a few minutes (don’t worry, it’s your turn).

GOOD: Relax, calm down, close your eyes and just let your head and neck relax. At first it can be very inconvenient, but wait a little, otherwise you will feel better. Don’t forget to return the service to your friend.

If you are also feeling pressure in your sinuses, try the following:

Lie on your back, tilting your head slightly backwards. Swipe your index fingers along your eyebrows until they are almost exactly in the center of your head; you should feel two slightly flattened spots. They can be gentle. Massage here with your fingertips in circular motions (count to 20). It probably won’t be so good. Then place your fingers on the most protruding part of the cheekbones and pull them down and under the cheekbones in the hole you feel.

Silver or Skull Rings – The Preferred Choice of the People

When you want to buy jewelry, some things come to mind. You think about the design used by metal and the cost. The most famous metals used in jewelry are gold, platinum and silver. Silver is considered to be the most affordable compared to other precious metals. It has become fashionable for many women.

Silver is considered a flexible metal and this is a quality that many women look for in their jewelry. It makes earrings, pendants, bracelets, necklaces and, of course, silver rings. Silver rings seem to be the most popular among women in terms of use. There are many ways to use silver rings. These include friendship rings, wedding rings and wedding rings.

Today silver rings are also used at weddings. Most women spend less on marriage and focus more on building a home. Due to economic problems, couples now prefer to work with a strict wedding budget. And think of buying silver wedding rings as a good place to start.

The silver rings are elegant and stylish. It can be personalized with gemstones such as sapphires, emeralds, diamonds or rubies. These stones make silver rings even more attractive to wear. These rings are available in a variety of designs and styles and go well with any dress or clothing that you wear. Silver rings are a wonderful gift to friends or relatives.

However, when it comes to choosing silver rings for men, choose silver rings without gemstones. For young girls a simple silver ring is good as a gift to a friend. These rings can be worn by anyone because they are affordable. If you want a quality ring, buy a sterling silver ring, which is a mixture of silver and copper. They do not rust, they need to be cleaned several times a year.

When choosing silver rings for men or women, it is important to consider how often they work with their hands. If a guy works in the engineering or construction industry, he may want to choose a good ring, which is not easy to slip off. Deciding what type of ring you prefer may take some time. So be patient, search the Internet, talk to a lot of jewelers and get their advice before buying. Reading reviews online or receiving recommendations from friends and family can also set you the right direction.

These are great gifts for men, because it is difficult for an ordinary man to buy things. Rings on the skull are a great way to change the look without going overboard. However, it is not recommended to wear them everywhere, although now they are visible and accepted in men’s fashion. Despite the fact that they are cool mediums, in some areas of society they are still looked down on, especially in religious circles. However, there are some great things you can afford to wear to a party or a special evening.

Most often it is a skull, which is then distinguished by drawings, sculptures or inscriptions. The more they are, the more attention they attract. Usually the size of the skull is seen as a bold statement emphasizing the importance and respect for the person who wears the ring. They are widely regarded by men as a symbol of courage, strength and masculinity.

The Importance of Stylish Stainless Steel Skull Rings

Without any argument, all Adams ‘ will agree ” with the fact that sending a dose of intoxication to the souls of the virgins around them is a constant desire for their masculinity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. simultaneous duration. Today it is already inefficient to dress in the inherent beauty and moxia. Eva, deeply concerned with the style of the modern era, considers the sensitivity of a man the main measure of his attractiveness or seduction. And in this ‘sense’ of ‘” in addition to the fashionable attention shown by the blocks when choosing a charismatic dress or a suitable pair of shoes, the choice of beautiful macho jewelry also matters. The male profile should be combined with this branded bang, which adds her innate shine and thus wins, conquering all women’s hearts.

Until now, reading macho thoughts can interfere with the idea that putting on a literal “precious stone” is too feminine and can slander one’s masculinity. Nevertheless, it shows such a bewildered male consciousness that at this stage the fashionable kingdom has produced many mind-warming trinkets, especially for the Brotherhood of Adams. And in these healthy ‘flirtatious’ rings, stainless steel skull rings are the distinctive types that have received the greatest approval of the male showers around us.

Dignity, decorated with scale

One of the main reasons they are the hallmark of fashion is their identity. Designers and Masters Without Borders structure these tricks with their fingers in such a way that even in their tiny dimension they talk a lot about Adam’s personality. The flawless brilliance of metal and brain design adorn the male community in several ways:

The unsurpassed texture gives the macho a certain courage, allowing him to immerse himself in the most exciting adventures.

Terrible skull line constrains the male personality with obvious serious zeal, which does not allow him to disturb the world.

The roughness and rigidity ratios are not subject to criticism. More quietly, but, above all, clearly, is presented macho-inspiration.

The endurance and seductiveness of the main material ensures that Adam will become a charming personality, he is also trustworthy.

Oddly enough, these decorations on the fingers guarantee that the Gift remains connected to the cosmic aura. It is believed that the skull is a carrier of interstellar energy, which gives a significant strength to the male soul.

Magical simplicity

The uniqueness of these stainless steel skull rings promises the basic mystique of masculinity. More broadly, the shape of the skull shows the hardness that remains hidden in all male souls – whether it’s a strong athlete or calm and kind. And it is here that the glory of these trinkets is established. They allow Adams of any profile without any pomposity to add expressiveness to his behavior. Wearing this little finger pearl, even the most serious and sincere can become the charismatic MR. In addition to the usual brain pattern, these balls are also available in an enticing stone pattern around the skull that enhances the yawn of the owner of the Don. As for the latter, in which the eyes of the skull are decorated with red or green precious stones, here is the fervor of exotic optimums. These doodles are suitable for brave people who prefer to fascinate submissive souls. The Internet with a variety of digital kiosks fashion – this is the right platform for the realization of the dream of getting the perfect jewelry for fingers with the image of a skull for the character.

Halloween, Skulls, Jericho and Mortality

Most of us have photo albums with photos that evoke fond memories! Leafing through the outdated ass and perusing the black and white photos of my great-grandfather, I recall the trips in the pram and even the pleasant smell of cherry tobacco coming from his tube.

My great-grandfather, bless his soul, passed away long ago. If you’re like me, you probably also have pictures of deceased loved ones. When you look at these photos, do you remember any fond memories of past years? Do you remember the happy times you shared? Are they almost still alive?

Most of us don’t realize it, but these images also evoke deeper subconscious emotions that revolve around the theme of mortality and death. As uncomfortable as it is, we are surrounded by such images. From TV news to Hollywood horror movies, we see images that remind us that one day we will really cease to exist!

At no other time of year is it like on Halloween eve, when people dress up in deadly costumes and decorate their homes and gardens with skeletons, skulls and other scary things.

What comes to mind when you think of turtles? Do you remember cemeteries, bounty hunters, shrivelled heads or maybe skulls and crossed bones of pirate flags? You probably wouldn’t think of the Bible! However, in the 1950s a Cambridge archaeologist came across an amazing discovery, indeed a biblical one.

They worked on the site of the ancient city of Jericho, which you may remember from the Old Testament book of Joshua. Packing their belongings, they saw something protruding from an area dating back about 9,000 years. They made a startling discovery – a human skull unlike any other.

It was an unusual skull, as it was reconstructed with plaster. The artist reconstructed her nose and entire face and used very valuable kauri shells before her eyes. The skull was also square at the base, so it could stand upright.

Even more unique was the fact that this skull was not found in the cemetery. He was on a shelf in one of the old mansions in Jericho. Not only did they find one of these skulls along with the other excavations, they intended to look for eight more.

The archaeologist was amazed! What are these skulls used for? What did they mean? Why would anyone who lived in Jericho 9,000 years ago decorate their home with a reconstructed skull? The only plausible explanation they could find was that these skulls were a portrait similar to our photographs of deceased relatives.

Some psychologists believe that images of our deceased loved ones can give us some comfort and help us come to terms with the reality of our own mortality.

Tips for Skull Cleaning With Beetles

Dermemid beetles are one of the most effective ways to cleanse the skull. Left alone with the skull, they will remove all meat in a few days or weeks. With this method, you don’t have to worry about skull damage.

The time it takes for beetles to remove all flesh depends on the size of the skull and their colony. They keep eating until they’ve gained enough, so you should have as little meat on your head as possible. Before handing it over to them, remove everything you can by hand. Remove the brain, eyes, tongue and muscles.

One way to reduce the time it’s cleaned is to create multiple colonies. When the colony is finished eating, you can move it to the next colony. Keep in mind that you need to take care of every colony you have. Insects can’t stand up for themselves if they’re in a terrarium, so you’ll have to meet their needs.

You will, of course, feed them. However, you should also provide dermethide with water. The easiest way to do this is to spray them every day. If you let the meat dry or don’t provide the beetles with moisture, they are likely to refuse to eat.

While it is important to provide them with water, it is equally important not to overwhelm them. If the humidity is too high, you may have problems with mold.

If you use dermethide beetles to clean your skull, you should also provide them with sufficient air circulation. Just put a fan next to it. Sufficient air circulation can also prevent mold.

The terrarium should also have enough heat. Beetles prefer a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You can buy a lamp for reptiles to provide them with this warmth. The lamp should be 50 or 70 w.

There are many places where you can keep a terrarium full of beetles. If you have a special workshop, you will probably leave it out of this one. However, if you work with small ones that don’t require much space, you can leave your own in the basement or in the garage.

If you keep it in a terrarium in a living room, make sure the beetles don’t run away. You want to avoid it wherever you store them, but it’s especially important that they don’t fall into your home. They not only destroy shoes, but also damage wooden structures.

Dermemid beetles are very useful for cleaning the skull. Treat your colony carefully and it will quickly do all the work for you. If you can handle the task, try to leave two to cut the time in half.

Evil Skull Drawings and Skull Clip Art

At the turn of the century, many ancient artifacts and buildings included drawings of evil skulls not only to scare people away, but also to show how they attached importance to their past, beliefs and religion. as the theme of their design. . In history, comics and culture, most of these drawings of evil skulls are found on flags and pirate ships.

The presence of a skull in a work of art is very important for contemporary artists. Drawings of angry skulls can be found on people’s clothing, vehicles, restaurants, houses and other places of everyday life. According to the artist, these drawings are not created for evil, but simply represent the identity of the person who owns them. Some people have them in carvings, prints, paintings, and the most common is the art of tattooing. Skull illustrations are also common on some web pages and in books that depict a form of masculinity or are simply vulgar in their meaning.

Many people are looking for the perfect shape of evil skulls and drawings. They always want to see it in their buckles, T-shirts, pants, earrings, bracelets and almost all possible uses that can only come up. Some are eager for this to satisfy their craving for a tough personality. Even artists have to dig deep in their heads to find the perfect skull design and illustrations. Pencil artists, drawing and airbrush artists, sculptors, graphic designers, sculptors and even an ordinary child can always pull out the very best skull clips or evil skull drawings that he can create.

This theme in a work of art can often be seen, but not so often to create. This requires careful consideration and the most creative approach to application. There are many ways to create skulls, or you may want to create your own.

Get a Head in Taxidermy – Skull-Cleaning Tips

One of the most important tasks that the skull preparer performs is to make sure that there is no meat left in the nooks and crannies; Buyers won’t be happy if your work starts to smell after you bring it home! However, as with many other forms of art, there are several ways to achieve results. Depending on how you handle the smell for your neighbors, you may like any of these four methods more than the others.

This rather non-destructive approach is popular with many taxidermists, but can take anywhere to two months. Clean the skull and manually remove as much flesh as possible, then immerse the skull in a container of water large enough to completely cover the skull. The warm climate allows bacteria to grow and eat the residues of meat. If you live in a colder climate, consider adding baking soda to the water to promote bacterial growth.

Check the water every few days, keep the water level high enough to keep the skull closed, and change some of the water from time to time so that it doesn’t become too cloudy.

When the remaining pieces of flesh fall away from the skull from a slight movement, it is time to take the next step. By washing it under running water, making sure that the brain has been removed and held over it with a soft brush, you are ready to dry in the sun.

Beetles are natural purifiers. When you meet a skull in the wild, the reason it’s so pure is probably because the beetles have already gone through it and done their job. However, the taxidermist needs to be different from nature, so it is to give the beetles a head start. Beetles can only eat them for a set time, so the cook must first remove as much meat as possible. Beetles will be happy – and therefore more effectively – to clean up the remains.

The best environment for removing beetle meat is a dark wet place. Do not set too high humidity to avoid being in a mouldy environment, but keep it moist enough for the beetles to work.

This also applies to the skull; If it is a little dry, it is best to serve it, soaking in water for one or two hours before giving the beetles. Spray your skull every day to make the beetles interested.

When there is no visible flesh on the skull, you can rinse it with running water and cover it with a soft brush. The remnants of the brain tissue can be removed by a metal hook, also must disappear nasal cartilage. Once this step is complete, your skull will be ready to dry in the sun and whiten.

Instead of soaking the skull for a few weeks, you can just soak it in a deep container for a week and then simmer the rest of the meat. Fill the pan with water and baking soda and heat the skull in the mixture until the pulp starts to come out easily. Don’t boil the skull, just let it boil. Then, as with other methods, rinse it under running water and leave it in the sun.

Bag method
This is a method that doesn’t require much maintenance, but it may take some time to use. It works about as you might expect: after removing large pieces of meat, place the skull in a plastic bag and place it in the summer sun. Bacteria will grow and eat meat. The preparer should simply check it every three or four days for a few weeks, and then finish cleaning, rinsing and brushing when the pulp is clearly gone.

Cleaning skulls can be unpleasant, but it shouldn’t be difficult or time consuming. An enterprising taxidermist will be willing to use any of these methods if necessary to give his customer the flexibility to do his job in the store.

A Crystal Skull and the “Orbs” – What is the Connection?

The world in which we live today is filled with a lot of paranormal phenomena. We left giant structures of ancient civilizations (such as a sphinx or a pyramid). We have UFOs that are either created by the governments of the world when capturing alien ships, or they are alien ships. We have circles in the fields – very intricate geometric patterns, which the British government says are created by a couple of men at night, but those of us who study the spiritual and the paranormal know that this is not possible. Of course, I’ve talked in detail about the crystal turtles in a few of my articles I’ve written here, so we’ll wait until we introduce them. But now we’re going to introduce “Spheres” or “Light Balls,” as some people call them. So, before we start, I’d rather give a short definition.

What is a “ball”? “At first people thought that their digital cameras had a problem, because these white, round, foggy objects appeared in the photos they made. I don’t know how long the balloons were photographed, they must have been photographed before they became popular, but now everyone has the balls in the photos. Even for us, when we take our personal crystal skulls to energy points or sacred places, we also see “spheres” in many of our photos. I would define the ‘ball’ (located in the areas where they appear) as a spatial intelligence whose frequency of oscillation is beyond our physical vision, but the camera shutter may be a flash of their light or light understands the essence. What we see in the photos is just a still image of this essence of the Sphere. This gives us an idea of what these creatures look like.

Why do I think they’re smart? Because when we ask them to do something, like moving in a certain way or in a certain direction with our mind, they will. Also, because of the many places where they appear – where they are photographed – there is an interesting event, with a special natural energy, which seems to encourage “Spheres” to come as observers. They are interested in how we live and what we do.

Now let’s move on to the main theme of this article: “How could there be a connection between these possible dimensional or light intelligent beings and the crystal skull?” Wisconsin is overseen by our good friends, Melanie and Jerry. Of course, we were going to hold public lectures there, but our crystal skulls (“crystal children”) could remain in this very powerful labyrinth for a long time. Melanie and Jerry did. so I could take a lot of pictures around this makeshift maze, and sometimes there are a lot of “balls”.

In any case, during our stay of about 4 days we were also able to take many photos and have already published some reports about our experiences, which we share with the participants of our newsletter (feel free to contact us if you want to know more ). We noticed that with the crystal skulls present in the Labyrinth, there were many “Spheres”, not only muddy-white, but also with interesting colors and drawings. But the key was that when we got home to North Carolina and started taking pictures of our skulls in the backyard and guess what, “Spheres” also appeared here.

Therefore, we assume that because of the internal dimensional nature of the crystal skulls, they can communicate with the “balls” and possibly store the essence of “balls” in them. Or we also assume that the crystal skull may act as an energy generator or spatial gate through which the Sphere, which the skull has collided with before, can move from one place on the planet to another, moving through a crystal skull. Why do we think so, because we have a picture of sphere that appeared in Wisconsin, and the same “Sphere” that appeared in North Carolina about a week later.

If you’re interested in any other research we’ve done with our friends Ron and Missy Hill of NiteVision X and are interested in video footage of moving spheres interacting with crystal skulls, you can watch this video, don’t doubt it. contact us.

In the meantime, I wish a good day and always be open to the mysteries of the universe, as they manifest themselves in our reality as paranormal phenomena.